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قديم 13-03-2014, 06:06AM
Abu Thar Jawad Abu Thar Jawad غير متواجد حالياً
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 66

Al Imam Saadi Rahimahullah mentioned in his commentary on the book Umdatul Ahkaam page 709*

"And it is befitting that it is known that seeking knowledge is more virtues than it (Jihad) particularly in these times in which the scholars have become few, and in which the people have become engaged with the world, so the pursuit in seeking knowledge, then the scholars have mentioned that it is more virtues than many of the acts of worship, rather, than most of it (acts of worship), and that is in a time of it shining and abundance of the scholars and excess of that in those times, so then how about in our times in which it does not remain in it from knowledge except a little, and no sooner its banners may be wiped out, so then no doubt that seeking knowledge is more virtuous than fighting in the path of Allah, because with it is the correcting of the world, and who ever accepts upon seeking it and its acquisition, and the research in regards to its matters, then he has undertaken a great matter, and a worship, that no doubt is in this day more virtues than fighting in the path of Allah, and (more virtuous) than the prayer, and the fasting, and the hajj, and from the remaining acts of worship unrestrictedly, so if he researches he is in worship, and if he learns knowledge, or travels to seek it, or leaves to its sittings, or ponders in regards to the affairs (of knowledge), then he is in worship and the time of the one learning all of it is worship and Allah knows best"

Last edited Done By Abu Thar Jawad ; 13-03-2014 at 05:34PM
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