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قديم 06-05-2010, 07:16PM
Omm AL-Homayra'a Omm AL-Homayra'a غير متواجد حالياً
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افتراضي mp3:Beneficial Sayings from Kitaab ut-Tawheed for Sheikh Saleh As-Saleh Rahimahullah

Beneficial Sayings from Kitaab ut-Tawheed
Book by Shaykh Muhammaad at-Tamimi rahimahullaah
Explanation is based upon that of Shaykh Ibn Al-'Uthaymeen rahimahullaah
01- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Introduction - Meaning of Tawheed - Saleh As-Saleh - 72:01 · 8.24 MB · MP3
02- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Purpose of our Existence - Saleh As-Saleh - 78:19 · 8.96 MB · MP3
03- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 2 - Excellence of Tawheed - It Expiates Sins - Saleh As-Saleh - 57:11 · 6.54 MB · MP3
04- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Right of Allaah - Right of the Slave - Saleh As-Saleh - 55:48 · 6.39 MB · MP3
05- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of Mu3adh Ibn Jabal - part 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 56:18 · 6.44 MB · MP3
06- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of 3ubadah Ibn As Saamit - part 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 49:32 · 5.67 MB · MP3
07- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Jesus - Spirit FROM Allaah - hadeeth part 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 30:42 · 3.51 MB · MP3
08- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of 3itban bin Malik - Saleh As-Saleh - 77:04 · 8.82 MB · MP3
09- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 03 - Purifying Tawheed From Shirk - Saleh As-Saleh - 34:10 · 3.91 MB · MP3
10- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of Husayn Ibn Abdur Rahmaan - Saleh As-Saleh - 40:29 · 4.63 MB · MP3
11- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of Ibn Abbas - Saleh As-Saleh - 47:54 · 5.48 MB · MP3
12- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 04 - Fear of Shirk - Saleh As-Saleh - 32:50 · 3.76 MB · MP3
13- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of Ibn Mas3ud - Saleh As-Saleh - 19:21· 2.21 MB · MP3
14- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of Jaabir - Saleh As-Saleh - 18:55 · 2.17 MB · MP3
15- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 05 - The Call To Tawheed - Saleh As-Saleh - 32:59 · 3.77 MB · MP3
16- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth of Sa3d Ibn Sahl - Saleh As-Saleh - 46:23 · 5.31 MB · MP3
17- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 06 - Explanation of Tawheed and the TestimonySaleh As-Saleh - 24:52 · 2.85 MB· MP3
18- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Tawheed Requires Negation and Affirmation - Saleh As-Saleh - 28:34 · 3.27 MB · MP3
19- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Hadeeth Whoever Says laa ilaaha illallaah -Saleh As-Saleh - 38:13 · 4.37 MB · MP3
20- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 07 - Wearing Rings For Protection Is ShirkSaleh As-Saleh - 35:30 · 4.06 MB - MP3
21- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 07 - Hadeeth - 'Uqbah Ibn Amir - Abu HatimSaleh As-Saleh- 29:22· 3.36 MB-MP3
22- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 08 - Incantations - Talisman - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 41:44 · 4.78 MB · MP3
23- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 08 - Incantations - Talisman - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 35:15 · 4.03 MB · MP3
24- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 09 - Seeking Blessings From Tree or Stone - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 31:20 · 3.58 MB · MP3
25- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 09 - Seeking Blessings From Tree or Stone - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 67:02 · 7.67 MB · MP3
26- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 10 - Slaughtering For Other Than Allaah - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 39:51 · 4.56 MB · MP3
27- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 10 - Slaughtering For Other Than Allaah - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 53:54 · 6.17 MB · MP3
28- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 11 - Forbidden Places of Slaughtering - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 44:44 · 5.12 MB · MP3
29- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 11 - Forbidden Places of Slaughtering - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 50:31 · 5.78 MB · MP3
30- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 12 - Making Vow to Other Than Allaah is Shirk - Saleh As-Saleh - 53:01 · 6.07 MB · MP3
31- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 13 - Seeking Refuge in Other than Allaah is Shirk - Saleh As-Saleh - 32:33 · 3.72 MB · MP3
32- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 14 - Seeking Help From Other Than Allaah is Shirk -1-Saleh As-Saleh- 70:42· 8.09 MB· MP3
33- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 14 - Seeking Help From Other Than Allaah is Shirk -2-Saleh As-Saleh- 35:35· 4.07 MB·MP3
34- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 15 - Incapacity of Partners Man Gives to Allaah - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 60:08 · 6.88 MB· MP3
35- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 15 - Incapacity of Partners Man Gives to Allaah - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 43:15 · 4.95 MB· MP3
36- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 16 - No One Deserves to Be Partner With Allaah - 1 -Saleh As-Saleh- 57:21 · 6.56 MB· MP3
37- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 16 - No One Deserves to Be Partner With Allaah - 2 -Saleh As-Saleh- 57:18 · 6.56 MB· MP3
38- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 17 - Allaah Has No Need of an Intercessor - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 34:36 · 3.96 MB · MP3
39- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 17 - Allaah Has No Need for an Intercessor -2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 54:26 · 6.23 MB · MP3
40- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 18 - Guidance of Direction - Guidance of Success - Saleh As-Saleh - 38:39 · 4.42 MB · MP3
41- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 19 - Excessive Praise of the Righteous -1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 46:23 · 5.31 MB · MP3
42- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 19 - Excessive Praise of the Righteous - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 24:44 · 2.83 MB · MP3
43- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 19 - Excessive Praise of the Righteous - 3 - Saleh As-Saleh - 58:36· 6.71 MB · MP3
44- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 20 - Acts of Worship at a Grave - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 40:24 · 4.62 MB · MP3
45- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 20 - Acts of Worship at a Grave - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 48:16 · 5.52 MB · MP3
46- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 21 - Excess in Raising up Graves of Righteous -1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 37:59 · 4.35 MB · MP3
47- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 21 - Excess in Raising up Graves of Righteous - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 38:43 · 4.43 MB · MP3
48- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 22 - The Prophet Protected Tawheed and Blocked Shirk- As-Saleh- 64:57· 7.43 MB·MP3
49- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 23 - Those of This Ummah Who Worship idols - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 34:39 · 3.97 MB · MP3
50- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 23 - Those of This Ummah Who Worship Idols - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 33:30 · 3.83 MB · MP3
51- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 23 - Those of This Ummah Who Worship Idols - 3 - Saleh As-Saleh - 69:18· 7.93 MB · MP3
52- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 23 - Those of This Ummah Who Worship Idols - 4 - Saleh As-Saleh - 16:10· 1.85 MB · MP3
53- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 24 - What Is Mentioned Concerning Magic - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 45:32 · 5.21 MB · MP3
54- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 24 - What Is Mentioned Concerning Magic - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 55:42 · 6.37 MB · MP3
55- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 25 - Types of Magic - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 31:10 · 3.57 MB · MP3
56- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 25 - Types of Magic - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 33:41· 3.85 MB · MP3
57- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 26 - Concerning Fortune Tellers and the Like - 1 - Saleh As-Saleh - 50:53· 5.82 MB · MP3
58- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 26 - Concerning Fortune Tellers and the Like - 2 - Saleh As-Saleh - 31:11 · 3.57 MB · MP3
59- Kitaab ut Tawheed - Ch 27 - Counteracting Magic with Magic - Saleh As-Saleh - 23:50 · 2.73 MB · MP3

قال بديع الزمان الهمذاني في وصف العلم:
« العلم شيء بعيد المرام، Not يُصاد بالسهام، وNot يُقسم بالأزNotم، وNot يُرى في الFromام، وNot يُضبط باللجام، وNot يُكتب للثام، وNot يورث عن الآباء والأعمام وزرع Not يزكو إNot متى صادف From الحزم ثرى طيبا، وFrom التوفيق مطرا صيبا، وFrom الطبع جوا صافيا، وFrom الجهد روحا دائما، وFrom الصبر سقيا نافعا وغرض Not يصاب إNot بافتراش المدر، واستناد الحجر، وردّ الضجر، وركوب الخطر، وإدمان السهر، واصطحاب السفر، وكثرة النظر، وإعمال الفكر»

[«جواهر الأدب» للهاشمي (194)]

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