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قديم 23-01-2011, 11:32AM
Omm AL-Homayra'a Omm AL-Homayra'a غير متواجد حالياً
مشرفة - وفقها الله -
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 627
افتراضي AUDIO:Explanation of Kitab At-Tawheed

AUDIO:Explanation of Kitab At-Tawheed
From the commentary of Sheikh Saleh Fawzan Al-Fawzan-Hafizahu Allah

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Essential Chapters Translated By Bro. Abu ‘Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Downloads in Chronological Order:
01 – Obeying the Scholars and Rulers

02 – Forbiddance of Showing Off P1
03 – Forbiddance of Showing Off P2
04 – Actions for worldly reasons P1
05 – Actions for worldly reasons P2
06 – Whoever curses Time has wronged Allaah
07 – Belief in Omens
08 – On Saying IF
09 – What Allaah may will and you may will
10 – Vows to other than Allaah
11 – To make a binding oath upon Allaah
12 – Whoever asks By Allaah
13 – Intercession of Allaah before His creation
14 – Whoever makes fun of the religion
15 – This wealth is the result of my labour and knowledge
16 – Every name which leads to the service of other than Allaah
17 – To be Named Judge of Judges
18 – To have patience with the decree of Allaah P1
19 – To have patience with the decree of Allaah P2
20 – Fear of Allaah Alone
21 – What is said regarding Astrology
22 – Intercession P1
23 – Intercession P2
24 – Intercession P3
25 – Put your Trust in Allaah P1
26 – Put your Trust in Allaah P2
27 – To feel secure against the Plan of Allaah P1
28 – To feel secure against the Plan of Allaah P2
29 – Seeking Rainfall by Virtue of the Stars P1
30 – Seeking Rainfall by Virtue of the Stars P2
31 – Do not setup rivals with Allaah P1
32 – Do not setup rivals with Allaah P2
33 – Love for Allaah P1
34 – Love for Allaah P2
35 – Love for Allaah P3
36 – Curing through Magical Spells

Taken from
قال بديع الزمان الهمذاني في وصف العلم:
« العلم شيء بعيد المرام، Not يُصاد بالسهام، وNot يُقسم بالأزNotم، وNot يُرى في الFromام، وNot يُضبط باللجام، وNot يُكتب للثام، وNot يورث عن الآباء والأعمام وزرع Not يزكو إNot متى صادف From الحزم ثرى طيبا، وFrom التوفيق مطرا صيبا، وFrom الطبع جوا صافيا، وFrom الجهد روحا دائما، وFrom الصبر سقيا نافعا وغرض Not يصاب إNot بافتراش المدر، واستناد الحجر، وردّ الضجر، وركوب الخطر، وإدمان السهر، واصطحاب السفر، وكثرة النظر، وإعمال الفكر»

[«جواهر الأدب» للهاشمي (194)]

Last edited Done By Omm AL-Homayra'a ; 23-01-2011 at 11:34AM
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