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قديم 06-08-2013, 03:45AM
Abu Thar Jawad Abu Thar Jawad غير متواجد حالياً
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 66
افتراضي Shaykh Maher regarding sun sights in Ramadan

بسم الله

All praises are due to Allah alone and the peace and blessings are to the one whom has no prophet after him.
Our dear brothers, dear followers of the truth and to the ones who love the people of the truth
It has spread within the web pages the publications of photographs of the sun at sunrise the last ten days of Ramadan.
And this is shared also through messages.
And I don't see this act being legislated in the shari'a, with no good in it because of the following:

First: we have not seen this in any of the acts of the salaf saleh (pious predecessors), transfering it amongst them, and if there was good in it they would have done it.

Second: the hadith that it contains is true narrated by Muslim from Abi Bin Kaab who mentioned that the sun rises without any radiant beams.
But the prophet peace be upon him did not invite to inform the people the same way it is done when starting Ramadan at the new moon sight.
Ibn Umar said as it has come in Abi Dawud that The prophet sala Allah alayh wa salam commended the people to fast at the sight of the moon.
He did not say we would inform 10 people at the sight of the sunrise in the morning.
And all the good is in following the salaf
And all the evil is inventing from khalaf (behind).

Third: spreading the information and making it known leads to the restriction of one day sun sight. Which will lead to not search for it throughout the remaining nights of Ramadan. And that is differing the purpose of the legislation.

Four: conveying it to the community can create a conflict amongst them as it happened the past years and that would be a reference to that dust or skimp when people are not aware. So it will lead to uncertainty of the hadith amongst the ignorent.
The ignorent may say laylatul qadr is one night how can it become two nights and he would mystify or make the hadith a doubtful matter when it is sahih.

Five: The image given to the hadith for acting upon it, he sees it being one night only where he thank Allah in it from what he has been blessed with, in standing without waiting for multi messages and advertising.
Because this matter was unknown to him before he received this report as it is done for the sight seeing for Ramadan and Eid.

Six: what has been stated in sahih al bukhari that the prophet sala Allah aleyhi wa salam informed about the twenty-first night he would have in the morning a bunny nose and a forehead of water and mud. So this is revelation in which we cannot allow mistakes.
The mistakes of the differences of sights of the sun.
And it is sufficient that the salaf were not upon this matter, investigating the morning throughout the world.

And to Allah is all praise, The All-Wise The All-Knower

And we ask Allah to bless us to continue striving from what is left of the last ten nights

Written by Shaykh Abu Abdellah Maher Bin Dhafer Al Qahtani
General Supervisor of the website and forum
Al Sunan wal Athar

Translated by Abu Maryam Jaouad Al Maghrebi

Last edited Done By Abu Thar Jawad ; 06-08-2013 at 07:36AM
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