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قديم 25-01-2010, 11:54AM
أبو أحمد زياد الأردني
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35 ?Who has more right to be the imaam for the prayer

Who has more right to be the imaam for the prayer

Shaykh Albaany, may Allah have mercy upon him, was asked: Is the leadership for the prayer based upon the best in recitation and in tajweed or for than whom has memorized the most Quraan?

Shaykh albaany, may Allah have mercy upon him, answered" The origin is that there is no difference between the best recitation and having the best tajweed and between the one whom exceeds the rest of people in his memorization of the Quraan due to the reason that memorization of the Quraan technically means that it is coinciding with the way it has been revealed. Reciting the Quraan in accordance to how it has been revealed requires that one preserves the etiquettes of the recitation that which been mentioned by the scholars of Tajweed in their books. So if there is a man whom exceeds everyone else in his memorization of the Quraan but he recites incorrectly then the one whom has memorized less than him ,but however he recites correctly is to be brought forward to be the imaam because the recitation with tajweed is intended by the statement of prophet alaihi as salaatu wa as salaam" The people are to be lead by the best of them in the recitation of the Quraan".

The book" al Haawee min Fataawaa as Shaykh Albaany" page 237 from the compilation Muhammad bin ibraheem.

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Last edited Done By أبو أحمد زياد الأردني ; 25-01-2010 at 11:56AM
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