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قديم 18-10-2011, 02:40PM
Abu Thar Jawad Abu Thar Jawad غير متواجد حالياً
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 66
افتراضي Shaykh Maher: is it sufficient to witness with the tongue

BismiLahi Rahmani Rahim

Is it sufficient to witness with the tongue without showing it with your limbs in the faith ?

Praise be to Allah alone and peace and blessings be upon the last prophet. An innovation has spread in this time that was not practised in the time of the salaf in their belief. Developing in as a creed amongst people

Which is their statement it is sufficient to believe with your heart and to sate it with your tongue in islam

But this is the contrary of what the salaf believed and were upon. The salaf believed that faith is believing with your heart, acting upon it with your limbs it increases with obedience and decrease with desobedience

The salaf saying that faith is believing and acting shows that it is not sufficient to just testify the two shahadas but to also do acts of worship like praying or giving charity and the likes

The murji'a say that it is sufficient to state it and believe it which is false

Our proof that it is a pillar of the faith the hadith of the prophet saw the faith has over seventy branches its highest is to say La ilaha ila Allah and its lowest is to remove an obstacle from the road

So he saw has showed that faith is statements and actions and not only believing it

And it was asked to Ibn Ayynat that if a man came to say I bear witness that there is no ilaha ila Allah but I don't fast or pray etc but I am a believer he answered him that is what the murji'a say

As for the hadith they have not commited any good deeds and will come out of hellfire
This is for those that could not do any good deeds or were ignorant or were just informed like the hadith of the man that killed 99 people looking to repent he indeed did not commit any good deed but he was looking for someone to show him how to repent and he died on his way to the land of repentance

And Allah knows best

Shaykh Maher Bin Dhafer Al Qahtani

Translated by Abu Thar Jawad Al Maghrebi

Last edited Done By Abu Thar Jawad ; 18-10-2011 at 02:44PM
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