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قديم 08-03-2010, 04:33PM
Umm Mohammad Umm Mohammad غير متواجد حالياً
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افتراضي Explaining the fundamentals of faith - The Deen of Islam

Explaining the fundamentals of faith - The Deen of Islam Shaikh - Mohammed Saleh Alothaimeen

The Deen of Islam

Islam is the Deen, which Alaah has sent Mohammed (Salla Allaah Aleihi Wasallam
) with ; Allaah made it the last of religions and perfected it for His creation; He made it a completion of His Favors upon them , and chose it to be their Deen ; No other religion is accepted from any one except the Deen of Islam . Allaah تعالى says:
( ما كان محمداَ أبا أحد From رجالكم و لكن رسول الله و خاDone النبيين)
(الأحزاب ،40)

Mohammed (Salla Allaah Aleihi Wasallam) is not the father of any man among you , but he is the messenger of Allaah , and the last (end) of the prophets. ( Qua’ran :33 :40)

He also says:

( Today أكملت لكم دينكم و أDoneمت عليكم نعمتى و رضيت لكم الإسNotم دينا)
( المائدة ، 30)

This day6, I have perfected your religion for you , and completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Al-Islam as your Deen. ( Qura’an :5:30)

( إن الدين عند الله الإسNotم ) ( آل عمران،19)
Truly, The Deen before Allaah is Al-Islam7(Qua’aran 19)

( و From يبتغى غير الإسNotم دينا فلن يBefore Fromه و هو فى الLastة From الخاسرين) ( آل عمران /85)
And Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam , it will never accepted of him , and the Hereafter he will be one of the loser.(Qura’an 3:85)

Allaah تعالى ordained that mankind must submit to Him in Islam .He said addressing His Messenger (Mohammed )

(قل يا أيها الناس إنى رسول الله إليكم جميعا الذى له ملك السموات و الأرض ز Not إله إNot هو يحى و يميت ، فآFromوا بالله و رسوله النبى الأمى الذى يؤFrom بالله و كلماته و أتبعوه لعلكم تهتدون ) ( الأعراف،158)
Say ( O Mohammed ) ‘O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allaah – to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. La illah illa Huwa(non has the Wright to be worshipped but He.); It is He who gives life and causes death. So believe in Alaahh and His messenger (Mohammed) , the prophet who can neither read nor write , who believes in Allaah and His words8 , and follow him so that you may be guided .(Qura’an 7:158)

It is reported in Saheeh Muslim 9on the authority of Abu Hurairah , that Alaahh’s Messenger Said: “ و الذى نفس محمد بيده Not يسمع بى أحد From هذه الأمه يهودى وNot نصرانى ، ثم يموت و لم يؤFrom بالذى أرسلت به إNot كان From أصحاب النار."

“By Him (Allaah ) in Whose Hand Mohammed soul’s is, there is none from amongst the Jews and Christians ( of these present nations) who hears about me and dies without believing in the message with which I have been sent (i.e Tawheed) , but he will be from the dwellers of the (Hell) Fire”10

The belief in the prophet Mohammed is the attestation with full acceptance and submission , not just mere attestation , that what he brought forth is the truth. That is why Abu Taalib ( the uncle of the prophet) did not become a believer in the messenger , despite his attestation to what the prophet forth and his witness that it is the best of religions.

The Deen of Islaam embraces all of the human welfare that is comprised in the previous religions ; it is distinguished above all the religions in it’s suitability for all times , places , and nations, Allah تعالى addresses His Messenger Mohammed saying :
( و أنزلنا إليك الكتاب بالحق مصدقا لما بين يديه From الكتاب و مهيFromا عليه ) ( المائدة ،48)

And We have sent down to you ( O Mohammed ) the Book ( this Qura’an) in truth , confirming the scripture that came before it and Muhayminan ( trustworthy in highness and witness) over it ( Old Scripture) . ( Qura’an 5:48)

The suitability of the Deen means that adhering to Islaam does not contradict the welfare of the Ummah (Muslim community at large) in any place or in any time. Indeed it is its betterment. This does not mean, however, that the Deen is subjugate to every time , place and Ummah as some people like it to be.

The Deen of Islaam is the Deen of Truth, whoever truly adheres to it , Allaah guarantee him victory and makes him prevail on everyone else who doesn’t . Allaah تعالى says:
( هو الذى أرسل رسوله بالهدى و دين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله و لو كره المشركون) ( الصف ،9)

He it is Who sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with the guidance and Deen of the Truth to make it prevail over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikeen hate (it). (
Qura’an 61:9)

( و عد الله الذين آFromو Fromكم و عملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم فى الأرض كما إستخلف الذيم From Beforeهم و ليمكنن لهم دينهم الذى إرتضى لهم و ليبدلنهم From بعد خوفهم أFromا يعبدوننى Not يشركون بى بى شئيا و From كفر بعد ذلك فأولئك هم الفاسقون) ( النور ، 55)

Allaah has promised, to those among you who believe, and do righteous deeds, that he will certainly grant them succession to ( the present rulers) in the land , as He granted it to those before them ; and he will grant them the authority to practice their religion , that which He has chosen for them ( i.e Islaam) . And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything ( in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are Fasiqoun( rebellious , disobedience to Allaah) . Qura’an 21:55)

The Deen of Islam is Aqeedah ( Creed) and Sharee’ah ( Legislation ) and it is perfect in both . Islaam commands:

The Tawheed and forbids Shirk ( setting associate with Allaah).
Truthfulness, and forbids lying.
Justice11 , and forbids oppression.
Trustworthiness, and forbids treachery.
Faithfulness, and forbids betrayal
To be good and dutiful to one’s parents, and forbids being disrespectful to them.
Keep ties with relatives of kinship, and forbids severing ties with them.
To have good relation to one’s neighborhood, and forbids all forms of ill-treatment to the neighbors.

Generally speaking , Islaam commands all noble morals , and forbids all ill and despicable manners; it also commands righteousness and forbids wrong. Allaaah تعالى says:

( إن الله يأمر بالعدل و الإحسان و إيتاء ذى القربى و ينهى عن الفحشاء و الFromكر و البغى يعظكم لعلكم تذكرون) النحل ، 90)

Verily, Allaah enjoins Al-‘Adel (i.e justice and worshipping none but Allaah) and Al-Ihsan12, and giving help to kith and kin13 , and forbids Al-Fahsha14 , Al-Mankar15 , and Al-Baghy16 .(Qura’an 16:90)

6 This Ayah ( Verse) was sent down during Hajatul Wadaa’ ( Farewell Pilgrimage) of the prophet , on the day of Arafah which was a Friday.

7 Which means that Islaam is the only Deen that Allah will accept form His slaves. See the Tafseer of Ibn Katheer for the above Ayaah.{TN}

8 Allaah’s Words includes all the Messages to the prophets : The Qura’an, The Torah the Gospel ( in their original text) , Az-zaboor , and Psalms. Also it includes , Allaah Words كن kun (be) – and he was i.e Jesus , son of Mary , peace be upon him . See M.M. Khan and M.T Al-Hilaallee’s Interpretation of the meaning of the noble Qura’an , Soorat 7 , Aayah 158. {TN}

9 Is a collection of authentic hadeeth narrations compiled by imam Muslim : Abul Hussain Muslim ibn al –Hajjaaj ibn Muslim al Quraishi an Naisaburi (202(6)-216 Hj /817(821) –875)CE) . {TN}

10 Saheeh Muslim, V.1 , Haddeth # 284

11 Justice is establishing equality between similar things and differentiating between different things. Justice is not absolute equality as generalized by some of the people when they say” The Deen of Islaam id the Deen of Quality .” . Establishing equality between different things is injustice that is not brought forth by Islaam , and the person who does that is not to be praised.” – A footnote by the author Shayekh Muhammed bin Saleh Al-Utheimeen.

12 Al-Ihsan: In This Aayah it means to patient in performing one’s duties to Allaah’s sake and in accordance with the Sunah of the prophet Mohammed

13 Degree of Kinship : First of all , your parents then your paternal uncles and aunts ( from the mother’s side) , then other relative.

14 Al-Fahshaa: All evil deeds eg; illegal sexual intercourse , disobedience tp parents , to tell lies., to steal.

15 Al-Munkar : All that is prohibited by Islaamic law: Polytheists , disbelief , and every kind of evil deeds.

16 Al-Baghy: All kind of Oppression

11 Justice is establishing equality between similar things and differentiating between different things. Justice is not absolute equality as generalized by some of the people when they say” The Deen of Islaam id the Deen of Quality .” . Establishing equality between different things is injustice that is not brought forth by Islaam , and the person who does that is not to be praised.” – A footnote by the author Shayekh Muhammed bin Saleh Al-Utheimeen.
12 Al-Ihsan: In This Aayah it means to patient in performing one’s duties to Allaah’s sake and in accordance with the Sunah of the prophet Mohammed
13 Degree of Kinship : First of all , your parents then your paternal uncles and aunts ( from the mother’s side) , then other relative.

14 Al-Fahshaa: All evil deeds eg; illegal sexual intercourse , disobedience tp parents , to tell lies., to steal.

15 Al-Munkar : All that is prohibited by Islaamic law: Polytheists , disbelief , and every kind of evil deeds.

16 Al-Baghy: All kind of Oppression

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قديم 08-03-2010, 07:19PM
member غير مشارك
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jazake allah khayran sis
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