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قديم 12-11-2013, 12:59AM
Abu Thar Jawad Abu Thar Jawad غير متواجد حالياً
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 66
افتراضي Is memorising the Quran 1st or seeking knowledge by Shaykh Maher

Should the student of knowledge start with memorising the Quran

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful
BismiLahi Rahmani Rahim

What should the student of knowledge begin with, studying the aqeedah and the tawheed which is part of the Eeman? Or memorising the Quran

As it was reported that it was from the way of the companions and the sunnah to teach the children the tawheed before the Quran and not the contrary as it is widely spread amongst people.

Jundub Ibn Junada may Allah be pleased with him said: we were with the prophet sala Allahu alayhi wa salam while we were boys, so we learned faith (eeman) before the Qur'an, then we learned the Quran and our eeman increased. Reported by Ibn Majah and authentified by Al Albani.

And on the authority of Abd Allah Ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with them, He said: We lived during an instant of time in which one of us would receive Faith first before receiving the Qur’an and when the verses were revealed we would learn what they permitted and what they prohibited and what they forbade and what they ordered and what should be the stance towards them. But I have seen many men from whom one is given the Qur’an before Faith and he reads it from the opening of the Book to its closing and he does not know what it orders and what it forbids and what should be his stance towards it. He is like someone who is just throwing out dates, i.e.: he does not get any benefit from his recital. Reported by Al Bayhaqi and Al Haakim who authentified it.

Ibn Al-Qayyim said: if they reach the time of pronouncing, let them pronounce La Ilah ila Allah Mohammed Rassoul Allah, and that the first thing that knocks their ears, knowing Allah Glory be He, His Tawheed and He (Glory be He) is above His throne, and that He sees them and that He hears their words and that He is with them wherever they are...

Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahab had written a letter named "Teaching the children Tawheed", he says in his introduction: this letter is a benefit showing what obligations to teach the children before teaching them the Qur'an. So that the child becomes a complete individual upon the islamic fitrah under tawheed correctly.

As it was asked also: do we start learning what is mandatory from the knowledge of the prayer, the fasting and the purification? Or do we start with memorising the Quran. Ibn Mubarak answered to that: if you have what is sufficient for you from the Quran to perform your prayer then seek knowledge.

I say because seeking knowledge of the deen is mandatory and memorising the Quran is recommended, so you do not precede the recommended over the mandatory.

Written by Shaykh Abu Abdellah Maher Bin Dhafer Al Qahtani
Translated by Abu Maryam Jaouad Al Maghrebi

Last edited Done By Abu Thar Jawad ; 12-11-2013 at 06:58PM
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