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قديم 31-07-2013, 12:20AM
Abu Thar Jawad Abu Thar Jawad غير متواجد حالياً
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 66
افتراضي Shaykh Maher advice for the last 10 nights of Ramadan

Shaykh Maher hafidahu Allah said:

Strive servants of Allah these last days as our prophet sala Allah alayhi wa salam advised.

And from the signs of laylatul qadr is that the moon would look like a split bowl reported by Muslim elevated. And from him also from abi bin ka'b that the sun rises bright that day without rays.

Therefore leave off engaging in he said she said type of talks and spending energy talking.

Rather read the quran or look at it. Say Allahuma inaka 'afuwun tuheebu al 'afuwa fa 'afu 'ani O Allah You are The Forgiver of sins You love to forgive so forgive me. Adding Karim to the du'a is not correct as it was corrected by al albani.

And the actions of the laylatul qadr are many from amongst them repeating the adhan behind the mu'adin and sending the prayers on the prophet sala Allahu alayhi wa salam and the du'a of the adan Allahuma raba hadihi da'wati taama... Breaking the fast early at time and praying maghreb with the group and following it by its supererogatory prayer. The du'a between the two adhans and the salat of the two rakaat of the adhan of isha. And waiting for the salat in the masjid and the i'tikaf the last ten. Praying the nafilah of isha and staying with the imam until he leaves you will get the reward of praying one night as it came in the hadith. Forbiding the evil, being good to your mother, giving charity, the focusness in prayers and following the prophet saw in the way of your prayer. Waking your family at night. Du'a while eating sahur Allahuma inaka 'afuwun... and others. Having your sahur late. The basmalah before eating. The remembrance before going in the bathroom and when coming out of it. Smiling to your brothers. Leaving off sins and obeying Allah. Leaving the evil places like where they play music, movies, pictures. Respecting the eldest and being merciful to the youth. Leaving off arrogance and humbling down accepting people. Lowering your voice and most people raise their voice like when talking on the phone and Allah says lower your voice. Leaving the curiosity of conversations, the curiosity of the eyes, the curiosity of others food, the curiosity of dreaming. Sleep in the intention of strenghening for acts of worship and thank Allah when staying away from drinking and eating. And do not blow your food because it's hot, say bismiLah and eat what is available. Avoid going to market places they have there the worse spots.

Love for your brother what you love for yourself and advise them let the imams know that singing the du'a is innovation as it was not done by the prophet saw, and the masjid al haram is not a proof.

May Allah accept from us and from you to better our standing and fasting, may Allah grant us to stand during laylatul qadr with iman and expectation. As in the hadith of al bukhari whomever stands the night of power with faith seeking its reward his passed sins are forgiven. And standing in it is better than worshiping Allah over 81 years. Allah says laylatul qadr is better than 1000 months the angels and the spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter Peace it is until the emergence of fajr.

Translated by your brother Jaouad Al Maghrebi

Last edited Done By Abu Thar Jawad ; 31-07-2013 at 01:24AM
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