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قديم 08-01-2013, 12:45PM
أم سفيان أم سفيان غير متواجد حالياً
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Registration Date: Oct 2012
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افتراضي The means that will help a Muslim to wake up for Fajr prayer

In the Name of Allaah, the Extremely Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy

Question: What are the means that will help a Muslim to wake up for the morning prayer? Bearing in mind that he goes to bed early, but does not wake up until after the sun has risen.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz: It is an obligation upon every Muslim to fear Allaah, and to pray the five prescribed prayers at their appointed times in the Masjid along with the Muslim congregation. He must be vigilant in carrying out all of the means that will aid him upon this. And from the ways that will help him stand for the Fajr prayer with the congregation are:

1) He (should) sleep early;
2) Set an alarm clock to the appropriate hour so that he gets up for the prayer on time and attends it in congregation; and
3) He must strive in imploring Allaah for success and assistance.
He should also repeat the legislated words of remembrance before he goes to sleep. By doing so, Allaah will grant him success – in shaa` Allaah – in rising up for the prayer on time, and performing it with the rest of the Jamaa’ah.(1)

Translated by:
Umm Sufyaan Fatimah
(1) Majmoo` Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawi`ah, vol. 8.

فTodayَ أبكي على ما فاتني أسَفاً، وهل يُفيدُ بُكائي حينَ أبكيهِ
واحسرَتاهُ لعُمرٍ ضاعَ أكثرُهُ، والويلُ إن كانَ باقيهِ كماضيهِ
رد مع اقتباس
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