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قديم 20-06-2010, 06:51PM
Umm Mohammad Umm Mohammad غير متواجد حالياً
member مشاركة - وفقها الله -
Registration Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 162
افتراضي Belief In Allaah

Explaining the fundamentals of faith - Shaikh Mohammed Saleh Alothaimeen -Rahima-hullaah

The Belief in Allaah Comprises Four Matters

First: The Belief in Existence of Allaah

The evidence for the existence of Allaah is established by
And Al-Hiss23

.Pertaining to the Proof of the Faitrah

Every creature has been created in a state of belief in his creator without preceding thought or education. No one dissuades from what is necessitated by the Fitrah (i.e the belief in Allaah), except the one whose heart has been subjected to what averts it from its (natural course of) Fitrah, as the prophet Mohammed explained when he said

" ما From مولود إNot يولد على الفطرة ، فأبواه يهوداانه أو ينصرانه أو يمجسانه"

“Each child is born in a state of” Fitrah” but his parents make him a Jew, or a Christian”24

All of the creatures, the first and subsequent ones, must have a Creator Who brought them to existence, because they neither can bring themselves into existence, nor they could have come to exist by coincidence! The creatures could have not brought themselves to existence because a thing does not create it self –since prior to its existence it was nothing – so how could it be a creator? And it cannot accidentally bring into being, because every occurrence (novelty, etc.) must need an originator. Also because its existence in such highly magnificent order and homogenous coordination, and due to the coherent relationship between the means and the causes, and the creators with one another, it is absolutely impossible that is very being is coincidental. (In fact), what is (believed) to exist as a result of coincidence does not follow an ordered pattern at the beginning of its existence. So how could it remain to be ordered during its course of survival and development?

So if its impossible that the creatures have neither brought themselves into existence nor they did they came to exist by coincidence , then it becomes evident that they must have a creator , and He is Allaah , the Rabb of the world

Allaah تعالى stated the above rational and decisive proof in Soorat Al-Tur, saying

( أم خلقوا From غير شىء أم هم الخالقون) ( الطور ، 35)

Were they created by nothing, or they themselves the creators? { Qura’an 25:35} , Which means that they were neither created without a creator , nor they were the creators of themselves . It becomes clear, therefore, that their Creator is Allaah
تعالى. That is why when Jubair Bin Mut’im heard Allaah’s Messenger reciting Soorat At-Tur, and when he (the prophet) reached the Aayaat

( أم خلقوا From غير شىء أم هم الخالقون أم خلقوا السموات و الأرض بل Not يوقنون أم هم عندهم خزائن ربك أم هم المسيطرون) ( سورة الطور ، 35-37)

Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm to believe. Or are the treasures of your Raab with them? Or are they the tyrants with authority to do as they like?25

Jubair, who was then a Mushrik (polytheist), commented:

" كاد قلبى أن يطير ، وذلك أول ما وقر الإيمان فى قلبى " ( رواه البخارى – مفرقا)

My heart was about to fly (i.e. upon hearing this firm argument)26 . In another separate narration, he said: “And that was the time when Eemaan was first settled in my heart27

Let us give a parable that clarifies this matter: If some one tells you about a lofty palace , surrounded by gardens with rivers flowing in between , fully furnished with beds and mattresses, and decorated with all kinds of ornament, the basic , and the luxurious , then he says to you : “ This palace in all the of its perfection , has founded itself , or that it came to exit by coincidence , without a founder !” Immediately you will deny and reject his argument, and you will consider his talks as ridiculous. (With this in mind) is it, therefore, possible that this universe with its extended earth, skies, planets, conditions, wonderful and splendid order, could have brought itself into existence? Or that it came to exist without a Creator?


22 Revealed texts of the Qura’an and Sunah

23 Lit: sensory perception, sensation. It pertains to the evidence about Allaah’s existence. Al-Hiss means, that which is perceptible through the sense. {TN}

24 Related by Immam Al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh , V.8,pp.389-90

25 Qura’an 52:35-37

26 Saheeh Al-Bukharee , V.6, pp.336-358 , Hadeeth # 377

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قديم 21-06-2010, 08:31PM
Umm Mohammad Umm Mohammad غير متواجد حالياً
member مشاركة - وفقها الله -
Registration Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 162
افتراضي Belief In Allaah

3- The Ash-Shar’ah28 Evidence For The Existence of Allaah:

The Ash-Shar’ah is evidence for the existence of Allaah because all of the revealed Scriptures states so. The laws that address the welfare of creation and which are provided by these scriptures, constitute an evidence that they came from an All-Wise Rabb who knows about the welfare and interests of His creation. The information about the universe brought forth by the scriptures and whose manifestation testifies for their truthfulness, is a proof that came from the (one) Raab Who is able to bring into being whatever He already informed about.

4- The “Physical” Evidence For The Existence of Allaah Comprises Two Aspects:-

One of them is that we hear and witness (Allah's) response to all those who supplicate and those who are distressed and grieved. This constitutes an unequivocal evidence for the existence of Allahhتعالى. He تعالى says:

( و نوحا إذ نادى From Before فاستجبنا له ) ( الأنبياء ، 76)
And (remember) Noah, when he cried (to us) a foretime, We listened to his invocation (Qura’an 21:76

He تعالى says:

( إذ يستغيثون ربهم فإستجاب لهم ) ( الأنفال ، 9)
(Remember) when you sought help from your Raab, and He answered you. (Qura’an 8:9

In Saheeh Al-Bukharee, it is reported that Anas bin Malik said that

عن أنس بن مالك رضى الله عنه – قال : أصابت الناس سنة على عهد النبى صلى الله عليه و سلم فبينما النى صلى الله عليه وسلم يخطب بالناس فى يوم الجمعة ، قام إعرابى فقال : يا رسول الله ، هلك المال و جاع العيال فادع الله لنا ، فرفع يديه ، و ما نرى فى السماء قزعة ، فو الذى نفسى بيده ، ما وضعها حتى ثار السحاب أمثال الجبال ، ثم لم ينزل From Fromبره حتى رأيت المطر يتنازل على لحيته صلى الله عليه و سلم فمطرنا يوFromا ذلك ، وFrom الغد و بعد الغد ، و الذى يليه ، حتى الجمعة الأخرى. و قام ذلك اإعرابى أو قال غيره فقال : " يا رسول الله ، تهدم البناء ، و غرق المال ، فادع لنا الله ، فرفع فرفع يديه فقال " اللهم حوالينا وNot علينا ، فما يشير بيده غلى ناحية From السحاب و إNot إنفرجت"

“Once in the lifetime of the prophet Mohammed the people were affected with drought. While the prophet was delivering the Khutba (religious talk) on a Friday, a
Bedouin stood up and said” O, Allah‘s Messenger! Our possessions are being destroyed and the children are hungry; please invoke Allaah (for rain). So the prophet raised his hands (invoked Allaah for rain). At that time there was not a trace of cloud in the sky. By Him, in Whose Hands my soul is, clouds gathered like mountains, and before he got down from the pulpit, I saw the rain falling on his (prophet) beard. It rained that day, the next day, the third day, the fourth day till the next day. The Bedouin or another man stood up and said “O Allaah‘s Messenger! The houses have collapsed, our possessions and livestock have been drowned; please invoke Allaah for us (to stop the rain). “So the prophet raised his both his hands and said “O Allaah! Round about us and not on us, so in whatever direction he pointed with his hands, the clouds disappeared and cleared away…29

Responding to the invocations of the supplicant who sincerely resort to Allaah
(alone) and fulfil the required condition for Ijaabah30 is a matter that is still being witnessed nowadays

The second aspect is that the signs of the prophets which is called Mu’jizaaat (Miracles) and which people see or hear about, constitute and irrevocable evidence for the existence of the One who dispatched them: that’s Allah تعالى. Certainly these matters (Mu’jizzat) are beyond the capability of mankind and that Allaah manifests them to help and support His Messengers. For example, the Sign given to Musa when Allaah commanded him to strike the sea with stick. He strokes it and the sea parted into twelve dry roads separated by water, which become like a huge mountain. Allaahتعالى says

( فأوحينا To موسى أن أضرب بعصاك البحر فأنفلق فكان كل فرق كالطود العظيم ) ( الشعراء ، 63)

Then We inspired Musa (saying): “Strike the sea with your stick.” And it parted, and each separate part (of that sea water) become like a huge, firm mass of a mountain. (Qura’aan 26:63

Another Example is the sign given to Eesaa (Jesus) by which he was able to bring life to the dead and bring forth the dead from their graves by Allah's Leave. Allaah spoke about him saying:

( و أوحى الموتى بإذن الله ) ( آل عمران ،49)
And When you brought forth the dead by My permission. (Quraa’an 5:110)
A third example is that Prophet Mohammed when the tribe of Qureish asked him to show them a sign (a miracle as a proof of his prophet hood)31 He (the prophet) pointed to the moon and (behold!) it split asunder and the people saw it. Regarding the (sign) Allaahتعالى said

( إقتربت at و إنشق القمر و إن يروا آية يShowingوا و يقولوا سحر مسDoneر) ( القمر ، 1-2)
The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft, and they see a sign, they turn away, and say: “This is continuous magic.” (Quraa’an 54:1-2

All of these physical signs (Miracles) which Allaah تعالى puts into effect to help and support His Messengers constitutes an irrevocable proof for His existence.

28 Al-sh-Shar’a : Islamic Texts and Legislations in the Qura’aan and Sunah
29 Saheeh Al-Bukharee, V.2, Hadeeth #55.
30 Ijaabah: Answering the Dua’a of the supplicant by Allaah.{TN}

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