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قديم 25-03-2017, 04:32PM
Abu_Hafsa_Khalid Abu_Hafsa_Khalid غير متواجد حالياً
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Registration Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 7
افتراضي NEW Translated Audio Lecture: The Prayer

Below is a lecture on how to pray according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallahu alaihi wa salam) and common errors made by people when they pray, delivered by our Shaykh, Mahir Al Qahtani in Masjid Habbaash, Jeddah, after Isha on the night of Tuesday, 8th of Jumada Al Al-Akhirah 1438. link:

Youtube link:

Wassalaamu aleykum,
Abu Hafsa Khalid Coutet

Last edited Done By Abu_Hafsa_Khalid ; 25-03-2017 at 04:46PM
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audio, lectures, lessons, salah

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