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قديم 06-05-2011, 07:23AM
Omm AL-Homayra'a Omm AL-Homayra'a غير متواجد حالياً
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افتراضي Killing Ben Laden -if they truly did- is NOT a victory against Islam

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Atheists and tyrannies should know that killing Ben Laden -if they truly did- is not a victory against Islaam
a translation for an article written by Sheikh/ Maher Ben Dhafer Al-Qahtani

The original article in Arabic --> here

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise belongs to Allaah. So we praise Him for what He possess from His beautiful Names and lofty and perfect Attributes; and for His Judgment and Decree which encompasses everything in existence; and for His Divinely Prescribed Laws which encompass every field of legislation; and His Judgment concerning rewards for the doers of good, and punishments for the criminals.

I testify that none has the right to be worshiped except Allaah alone, who has no partner in His Names. Attributes or Judgment. And I testify that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger; who clarified the Judgment and the rulings, made clear the halaal (lawful) and the haraam (prohibited), and established the fundamentals and expounded upon them -until the Religion was completed and established firmly. O Allaah extol and send the blessings of peace upon Muhammad, and upon his family, his Companions and those that follow them.

To proceed,

This is a translated article, originally named (إعNotم أهل الكفر والطغيان أن قتلهم بن Notدن لو قتلوه ليس نصرا على الإسNotم وتوحيد الرحFrom) by Sheikh Maher Ben Dhafer Al-Qahtani -hafidhahullah- (may Allaah protect him). In that article, the sheikh clarified that the so-called Usama Ben Laden is a one of an «innovated Jihad» (his jihad is innovated/Al-Jihad Al-bid'ee), and stated that 'Ben Laden' does not represent the real muslim, the one who follows Allaah's commands. After that, the sheikh -hafidhahullah- listed some examples of truly believed Muslims, the ones that represent the true religion of Islaam.

Next, he presented the method of the prophet Mohammad -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wassallam- in calling people to monotheism(tawheed) to worship the only-one-god Allaah -azzaa wa Jaal- and not to associate anyone with Him in worship and call. And thus he justified -with some other extracted facts from the da'wah of the prophet- that Ben Laden is just a pretender to be a follower of the Sunnah. On the contrary, he was on the way of Al-Khawarej, he revolted against Muslim rulers, and expelled them from Islaam (takfeer al-hukaam). ALL of that in the name of jihad!! BUT, it is just CORRUPTION that Lord of Mankind doesn't authorize.

And finally, the sheikh –hafidhahullah- referred to a previous published article of his own where he discussed and refuted the most widely spread misconceptions of Al-Khawarej who tend to expel people from Islaam and mainly Muslim rulers.

I ask Allaah -azzaa wa Jaal- to make this article that is before us a complete and comprehensive one, and may it benefit the presenter and the readers, and make us of those who have insight in it, of those who speak from knowledge, not out of opinions and whims. And may Allaah -azzaa wa Jaal- extol and send the blessings of peace upon Muhammad, the Messenger of Allaah, and upon his Family, Companions and followers.
~ ~ ~
Atheists and tyrannies should know that killing Ben Laden -if they truly did- is not a victory against Islaam
Sheikh/ Maher Ben Dhafer Al-Qahtani

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allaah, as He deserves, and may Allah's blessings and peace be upon his last prophet Muhammed.

To proceed,

Christians, Jews and atheistic people in the west were happy due the announcement of the USA president, Barak Obama, about the murder of Usama Ben Laden, the one of innovated jihad. They thought that is a victory for them against Islaam and Muslims, but they were misleaded about Al-haaq (the truth) because of that. And if they declared it publicly and people believed it, they would therefore deceive lots of confused people about the truth of Islaam. They did not know that for us (i.e. Muslim nation) Usama Ben Laden does not represent the real muslim because a real muslim should worship Allaah because Allaah is the creator of mankind, and should follow what the prophet Muhammad -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wassallam- has commanded him to do, and seek knowledge on the bases of the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wassallam- and his companions, and not to follow the innovators who have been astrayed like what Ath-Dhawaheri, Ben Laden, Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen, At-Tablighiyeen, As-Sufiyya, Al-Qadyaniyya, and other takfiriyeen have happened to them.

The ones who represent Islaam are the prophet Muhammad's companions like Abu Baker Asseddeeq, Omar Al-Farooq, Othman, Ali, Ibn Mas'ood, Ibn Abbaas, Aisha and others, radiyallaahu 'anhum ajma'een (may Allaah be pleased with all of them). Also their followers like 'Ata', Tawoos, Sa'eed Ibin Al-Musayyeb, Omar Ibin Abd Al-Azeez, Waheb Iben Mandah radiyallaahu 'anhum ajma'een; and later scholars like Imam Malek IBen Anas, Al-Imam As-Shafe'ee, Ahmad IBen Hanbal, and Al-Owza'ee and whom followed them upon the righteous salafee Manhaj (ancestor's methodology), rahimahum-ullaah ajma'een (may Allaah's blessings be upon all of them); Allaah says: [And the foremost to embrace Islâm of the Muhâjirûn (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansâr (the citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid to the Muhâjirûn) and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allâh is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success.] (At-Taubah (The Repentance): 100).

Those mentioned above and the ones who followed them upon the righteous Manhaj represent Islaam because they knew it so well. But Ben Laden did not follow them exactly (in Faith), he was not on the right path, he was either ignorant about their methodology in Jihaad or a man who speaks of (his own) desire (sahib hawa). He did not seek knowledge from the scholars nor he has shown that he was knowledgeable. He just sent threats and excommunicate the rulers without a proof; and he was obsessed with exploding and hijacking. Usama Ben Laden did not get the strength to fear the enemies, neither he got the righteous methodology to convince the people. And certainly he had not got the correct way to talk properly with the rulers and the nation, like the prophet did while he was in Makkah, the one who Allaah said about him inSûratAl-Qalam (also called Sûrat Nûn)/(The Pen): [And Verily, you (O Muhammad salla Allaah 'aleyhi wassallam) are on an exalted (standard of) character.]. Allaah commanded his prophet Muhammad -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wasallam- to be gentle and wise while preaching, he said in the Qur'aan: [Invite (mankind, O Muhammad salla Allaah 'aleyhi wassallam) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islâm) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Revelation and the Qur’ân) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better.] (An-Nahl (The Bees): 125). And Allaah also says in the Qur'aan: [And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islâmic Monotheism with His Verses)(Al-‘Ankabût (The Spider): 46).

Muslims who have some nonfeasance and negligence are not worse than Pharaoh who tortured his people, yet Allaah said for Moses: ["And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allâh)."] (Tâ-Hâ: 44) even though Pharaoh was saying "I am your lord, most high" and he persecuted Children of Israel, enslaved them, he was afflicting them with a horrible torment, killing their sons and sparing their women, his crimes and cruelty were a great calamity to them. One day, while the prophet Muhammad -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wa sallam- was in Makkah, he gathered the people on As-Safa and asked them if they would believe him if he said that a herd of horses are coming toward them behind the valley. They answered that they have not found him except an honest man. So he told them that He is only a warner to them in face of a severe torment. He wanted to warn them from Allaah's punishment and that they have to worship the only god- Allaah; because they did know that He -alone by himself- has created them, provided them from the sky and earth, the one who disposes the affairs of the skies and earth by himself. He (i.e. The prophet -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wa sallam-) did not hurt them, he talked to them wisely. He wanted them to testify that there is none who has the right to be worshiped but Allaah -azzaa wa Jaal-, he just asked them to say «Lâ ilâha illa Allaah» (there is none who has the right to be worshiped but Allaah) so that they can be saved from Hell. His main concern was calling for monotheism (tawheed Allaah).

On the contrary, Ben Laden was killing and exploding without preaching and without explaining for people what Islaam really calls for. The prophet Muhammad -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wa sallam- made a treaty with the non-Muslims which is known by "Solh Al-Hodaybiya". There were no fights nor violence, just negotiations and talking peacefully. Therefore, because of that treaty, many people entered Allaah’s religion (Islaam) in crowds, and after that the conquest of Makkah, and Muslims occupied lots of countries throughout the eastern and western areas, and so many other victories afterwards. All of that because they were applying the reality of monotheism (tawheed) and the prophet's way (Sunnah). They preached people using evidences and reciting Qur'aan and explaining its verses by the Sunnah and what the righteous salafee ancestors were upon . They won because they spread Islaam by words and actions not by sword and blood, and Allaah said in the Qur'aan: [O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allâh, He will help you, and make your foothold firm.] (Muhammad also called Sûrat Al-Qitâl (Muhammad) or (The Fighting):7).

Because of that Ben Laden did not win (he did not help in the cause of Allaah), he did not learn the methodology. And Scholars of Islaam denied his noxious way of Jihad, killing, destruction, and expelling muslim rulers, and his disobedience without a proof and evidence. The Scholar Al-Imaam Abdel Azeez Ibn Baaz -rahimahullaah- said «Ben Laden has to repent from his noxious behavior», and so did other scholars of Sunnah. Except the ones of innovation, they encouraged him and portrayed him as a hero! And they forgot that heroism is guided with wisdom and what was stated in the Qur'aan, ahaadeeth and the understanding of the Salaf. Ben Laden was on the way of Al-Khawarej by expelling them from Islaam (tekfeer al-hukaam). He revolted against the ruler of his own country (i.e. the King of Saudi Arabia) and went to Afghanistan, and organized a team for bombing, takfeer (expelling people and rulers from Islaam), and for destruction, in the name of Al-jihad!! BUT, it is just corruption that Lord of Mankind doesn't not authorize. The prophet -salla Allaah 'aleyhi wa sallam- worn from Al-Khawarej because they are ruthless with Ahl Al-Islaam, how come with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)!!

And after that the Sheikh Maher -hafidhahullah- continued explaining about how Al-Khawarej (takfiriyoon) have been doomed by many misconceptions due to their weak knowledge. Regarding this issue, this is a translated transcript for Sheikh Muhammad Nasseruddeen Al-Albani that talks about this issue of takfeer.
For further reading, click [here] to download the document

الصور المرفقة
نوع الملف: jpg Ben Laden.jpg‏ (63.4 كيلوبايت, Views 7161)
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: pdf Warning Against the Fitnah of Takfir-Sheikh Albani.pdf‏ (208.8 كيلوبايت, Views 6381)
قال بديع الزمان الهمذاني في وصف العلم:
« العلم شيء بعيد المرام، Not يُصاد بالسهام، وNot يُقسم بالأزNotم، وNot يُرى في الFromام، وNot يُضبط باللجام، وNot يُكتب للثام، وNot يورث عن الآباء والأعمام وزرع Not يزكو إNot متى صادف From الحزم ثرى طيبا، وFrom التوفيق مطرا صيبا، وFrom الطبع جوا صافيا، وFrom الجهد روحا دائما، وFrom الصبر سقيا نافعا وغرض Not يصاب إNot بافتراش المدر، واستناد الحجر، وردّ الضجر، وركوب الخطر، وإدمان السهر، واصطحاب السفر، وكثرة النظر، وإعمال الفكر»

[«جواهر الأدب» للهاشمي (194)]

Last edited Done By Omm AL-Homayra'a ; 06-05-2011 at 12:30PM
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