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قديم 07-03-2011, 11:03PM
Umm Mohammad Umm Mohammad غير متواجد حالياً
member مشاركة - وفقها الله -
Registration Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 162
افتراضي Wise Sayings

Ibn Al-Qayyim
has stated

There are four bases of infidelity
Pride..... Envy..... Anger..... Desire

Pride can be prevented through submission to Allah
envy through advice and offering it
anger through justice
desire through devoting oneself to worship

The origins of these four is being ignorant of Allah and of himself. If he knew his Lord- the attributes of His Perfection and the qualities of His Majesty
and knew himself- and his defects and faults


He would never be proud or angry, and would never envy anyone about what Allah granted him

From Al-Fawaid ...A collection of wise sayings

رد مع اقتباس


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