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قديم 30-01-2010, 07:22PM
Omm AL-Homayra'a Omm AL-Homayra'a غير متواجد حالياً
مشرفة - وفقها الله -
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 627
13 Scholars' Biographies

If Allah wills, I will be posting the biographies of famous scholars. These biographies have been copied from fatwaonline site.

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz

Abu 'Abdullaah Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Aal-Baaz was born in the city of Riyadh in Dhul-Hijjah 1330 A.H./1909 C.E.

He memorized the Qur.aan in his early age and then he acquired knowledge from many of the great scholars of the Kingdom. Some of his teachers were Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Lateef Aal-Shaykh, Shaykh Saalih ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal-Shaykh and the eminent Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aal-Shaykh who, in his time, was the Muftee of Saudi Arabia. Shaykh Ibn Baaz accompanied the eminent Shaykh and learned from him for about ten years. Thus he gained his religious education from the family of Imaam Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab.

Afterwards Shaykh Ibn Baaz was appointed as a Justice and he worked for fourteen years in the judiciary until he was deputed to the education faculty. He remained engaged in teaching for nine years at Riyadh Islaamic Law College, Riyadh Religious Institute. Then he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Islaamic University, al-Madeenah; but shortly afterwards, he was made the Chancellor with all the administrative powers. Later he was appointed President of the General Presidency of Islaamic Research, Ifta, Call and Propagation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He held the position of Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, the Presidency of many Islaamic Committees and Councils, the prominent among these being: Senior Scholars Committee of the Kingdom, Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, the Founding Committee of Muslim World League, World Supreme Council for Mosques, Islaamic Jurisprudence Assembly Makkah; and the member of the Supreme Council of the Islaamic University at al-Madeenah, and the Supreme Committee for Islaamic Propagation, until he passed away on Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 A.H./May 13 1999 C.E. May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) have Mercy upon his soul, aameen

قال بديع الزمان الهمذاني في وصف العلم:
« العلم شيء بعيد المرام، Not يُصاد بالسهام، وNot يُقسم بالأزNotم، وNot يُرى في الFromام، وNot يُضبط باللجام، وNot يُكتب للثام، وNot يورث عن الآباء والأعمام وزرع Not يزكو إNot متى صادف From الحزم ثرى طيبا، وFrom التوفيق مطرا صيبا، وFrom الطبع جوا صافيا، وFrom الجهد روحا دائما، وFrom الصبر سقيا نافعا وغرض Not يصاب إNot بافتراش المدر، واستناد الحجر، وردّ الضجر، وركوب الخطر، وإدمان السهر، واصطحاب السفر، وكثرة النظر، وإعمال الفكر»

[«جواهر الأدب» للهاشمي (194)]

Last edited Done By Omm AL-Homayra'a ; 30-01-2010 at 09:59PM
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