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قديم 25-01-2010, 04:52PM
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افتراضي The Ruling on Nasheeds - Al-Albani Answers

The Ruling on Nasheeds
Shaikh Muhammad Naasiruddin al-Albaani
What is the ruling on ‘nasheeds’ commonly [found] amongst many of the youth, which they call ‘Islaamic Nasheeds’?
If these nasheeds have ‘Islaamic’ meanings whilst not having in them any musical instruments such as duffs, other drums, or the like, then there is no problem in this.
However, it is necessary to explain an important prerequisite for their permissibility, and that is that they should be free of anything contradicting the shar‘iyyah such as excessiveness[1] and the like.
Then another condition is that it should not become a habit because that diverts listeners [of the nasheeds] from the recitation of the Qur`aan, which is encouraged in the prophetic, purified, sunnah. Likewise, it diverts them from seeking beneficial knowledge and calling to Allaah subhaanahu.
As for the use of duffs in nasheeds, then this is permissible for women when amongst themselves, and not for men, and on ‘Eed and on weddings only.

Last edited Done By ABU-HAMZA ; 25-01-2010 at 04:55PM
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