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Abu Thar Jawad 01-03-2014 05:28PM

Tablighis misinterpretation of La ilah ila Allah
BismiLahi Rahmani Rahim

The meaning of La ilah ila Allah according to the tablighis and the ones without knowledge that there is no creator no provider other than Allah.
As was mentionned to me by one of their eldest in our masjid.
Rather its meaning is there is no deity worthy of worship in truth other than Allah.

If the tablighis definition was the real meaning that there is no creator no provider other than Allah then the kufar of kuraish would not have been killed as this was their statements.

Written by Shaykh Maher bin Dhafer Al Qahtani
Translated by Abu Maryam Jaouad Al Maghrebi

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